Here at NVelUp we seek to come alongside to encourage those seeking care, to live a life that has meaning to you, to be present in your relationships, to be able to fulfill your responsibilities, and to do all this with the least amount of medication. To sum it up simply, we want to help you bring out your true essence. Essence comes from the Latin word esse meaning “be” and eventually came to mean “the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality that determines its character.” Essence can also relate to the scent that an extract gives off. In other words, it is our true scent that we give off in the world. Who we really are or our essential/authentic self gives off a beautiful scent in our part of the world. However, many of us hide behind masks due to hurts/expectations/perceptions and give off an insincere scent, somewhat like spraying a rose with mint extract. A rose brings the most joy when it looks and smells like a rose.
Scientifically we all have our own scent like no other. You can walk down a sidewalk and for many years after you walked that sidewalk, a bloodhound can pick up your unique scent. So, who are you really inside? What is your true essence, your authentic self? Are you living who you really are in your life, relationships, work, stage in life? Or are you feeling discontented and unfulfilled, living someone else’s dream and not your own? We all have a specific scent we give off and it comes from our essence. Social psychologist, Martha Beck states in her book “Finding Your North Star” that “aligning your life with your deepest sense of purpose is one of the most important steps in recovery.” If this all strikes a chord in you at this chapter in your life, give us a call, let’s find together your true essence.